Monday, 16 September 2013

Collect Your Favorite German Beer Steins at Reasonable Price!

German beer mugs
The word Stein is a short form of the German word Steinzeugkrug which means stoneware jug or tankard. In common language, Stein generally means a beer container. 

These containers can be of different sizes and shapes and commonly they also have a hinged lid and a handle. Starting from 1340 till 1380, it was a phase of bubonic plague or Black Death in which more than 25 million people were killed. It emerged as such a horrible and terrible historic event which gives rise to civilization.

From this period only, the beer Steins was also originated. As it is clearly known that there is a vast difference between the mugs and Steins. When talking more tactfully, then mug is said to be the containers which do not have any kind of lids on them, while the Steins have hinged lids attached to them. After the phase of fatal plague ended, these mugs were modified and then made with the attached hinged lid which came as a very important precautionary measure. The cover was there to prevent any kind of insect from falling into the beer.

In early times, several laws were made and enforced also as a result of fears about a return of the Black Death. It was later known that most of the people died who lived in filthy areas rather than people who lived in clean areas. It indicated that Plague spread across so vigorously only due to lack of sanitation and sanitary surroundings.

Coming up with the law that the beer containers will be attached with a hinged lid gave the origin to the new world of beer Steins. Gradually, with the passage of time, people recognized the improvement in the taste of beer and also had an impact on the Stein making. Many researches were conducted which showed that almost two liters per day consumption of the beer increased. After that, having a handmade German beer Steins was later on considered as a status symbol for many people.

These beer containers or the vessels were later on made out of different materials. But later on materials like silver and glass were also used for making the very popular and decorative German Steins. The handmade beer mugs are best known for their unique design, style, decorative and artistic appearance. People, who love to style their space, take back these German beer mugs as souvenirs when going back from Germany.

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